
Mentor Academy Resource

Industry Conferences:各个年份DAC、DVCon会议的现场录像视频,也可以下载PPT文件。

Low Power Verification Forum:his forum will explore the new and unique low-power coverage methodologies that enable designers to verify and track how well they have tested their power management architecture. It will also show how to track not only metrics for how much power is used in the RTL, but also how much power is still being wasted and has potential to be reduced for IP qualification.


Portable Stimulus Basics:The new Portable Test and Stimulus Standard from Accellera provides the next leap in verification productivity needed to support the verification of our ever-growing system-on-chip (SoC) designs.


SystemVerilog OOP for UVM Verification:视频+PPT

Academy Courses:Menter家的课程

UVM Cookbook:有offline 的PDF文档,已下载到有道云笔记

Coverage Cookbook

Technical Resources:各种关于验证的文章

Verification Academy Newsletter & Archive:每月的最新咨询

Verification Horizons:算是个杂志吧,一年出三次

Function Verification:下面有一些链接。有一些Write Paper下载。

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