ch1-What a testbench?
What are abstraction levels ?
In the Preface, you saw that we toggled the design using individual signals.
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Instead, if you put these two signals in a task and call it “apply_reset” task, you have just created a component that can be re-used and hides the details of what signals and what time intervals it is being asserted. This is a feature we would like to have when developing the testbench - to hide away details - so that the test writer need not bother about the how and instead focus on when and why these tasks should be put to use. A test writer finally uses tasks, configures environment and writes code to test the design.
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将一些操作封装成方法,这样test writer就不需要知道具体如何对接口信号操作,只需要知道什么时候应该进行什么操作就行了。
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